03:59:36.250 –> 03:59:42.339
Julia Nimchinski: Thanks, and we are transitioning to our Demo Jackson. Welcome to the show.1117
03:59:42.900 –> 03:59:44.170
Jackson Eldridge: Thanks, Julia. How are you?1118
03:59:45.060 –> 03:59:52.020
Julia Nimchinski: I’m excited Sterling. What’s up with sterling killer Demos? In 2 min.1119
03:59:52.020 –> 03:59:57.909
Jackson Eldridge: Yeah, fantastic. Am I able to take over screen share.1120
03:59:58.650 –> 03:59:59.579
Julia Nimchinski: Take over. Yeah.1121
03:59:59.580 –> 04:00:23.580
Jackson Eldridge: Yeah, yeah, fantastic. So hi to everybody, my name is Jackson Eldridge. Part of the founding sales team here at Story Lane. And thank you to hard skills for hosting this great summit. And for my time today I’ll be talking about how to create effortless. No code product tours of your platform. But not just that. I’m going to be talking about a lot of new AI features that we’re excited to roll out this month in February around, Lily. It’s an AI Demo automation agent1122
04:00:23.580 –> 04:00:33.830
Jackson Eldridge: number one. It’s going to help you build Demos faster. And then later in March it’s going to be focused around. How do we help our demo viewers consume our features and demo content easier. So I’m going to share my screen1123
04:00:33.830 –> 04:00:38.390
Jackson Eldridge: and I’ll go through an example. Build using Story Lane and Lilly.1124
04:00:38.800 –> 04:00:56.589
Jackson Eldridge: Okay? So I’m looking at my example. Demo environment. Let’s say that I’m a product marketer, a sales engineer, a salesperson working for Mercury. And I want to document an interactive product tour and maybe put it on a website landing page or send it off to a prospect. But 1st we need to build out the interactive demo using the storyline plugin. I’m going to select record Demo.1125
04:00:56.960 –> 04:01:05.999
Jackson Eldridge: And then, after this countdown, the Plugin is taking screenshots, analyzing my my actions, and then also contextually reading with AI what I’m doing during the workflow.1126
04:01:06.360 –> 04:01:13.260
Jackson Eldridge: And you’ll notice that the page counter up in the top right is clicking up with each action that I take. Let me search for a specific transaction.1127
04:01:13.970 –> 04:01:24.619
Jackson Eldridge: and then I’ll do one more click before the end of my workflow. Let’s say that’s workflow number one. I’ll click finish capturing the next screen. We can see that the demo is generating. AI is adding some messaging.1128
04:01:25.310 –> 04:01:47.290
Jackson Eldridge: and then it’s going to launch us into the demo builder. Okay? So here in the demo builder, you can see on the right hand side. This is what we call a flow builder. So it’s labeled chapter number one. Our demo steps have automatically been sequenced. Steps number one through 8. But starting on step number one. Notice some of the AI generated context, effortless expense management right here. Welcome to Mercury’s expense, tracking Demo. So it has already reading the platform, adding some messaging.1129
04:01:47.290 –> 04:01:59.659
Jackson Eldridge: Then on step 2, we have our 1st click in the product tour. Start your financial transformation from the home dashboard. I can do a few things to spruce up this demo experience. Let me add a backdrop and spotlight. Let me highlight this specific feature.1130
04:02:00.050 –> 04:02:11.789
Jackson Eldridge: Then, on Step 3, you can see we have a track and zoom animation. So this new blue outline is showing where the demo viewers perspective is going to be zoomed into. Okay, we have that there step 4.1131
04:02:11.790 –> 04:02:32.280
Jackson Eldridge: It’s accessing the search bar on Step 5. It’s automatically inserting a video segment of me, typing out Google and then transitioning back to a clickable screenshot. And let’s say, on step number 6, I want to add some AI voiceover or video segment. I’m going to click in here onto this red microphone icon and say, add voiceover. So instead of me having to go and record my own voiceover, I’m going to record this using AI.1132
04:02:32.670 –> 04:02:34.369
Jackson Eldridge: And then here’s what that would sound like1133
04:02:37.350 –> 04:02:41.420
Jackson Eldridge: with a click. Categorize expenses for seamless reconciliation later.1134
04:02:41.910 –> 04:03:05.580
Jackson Eldridge: Okay, that looks great for me on Step Number 7. Maybe I want to add, like a talking head explainer clip. I’m going to go here to add video. And I do have the option for recording this myself. But you can also use an AI, an AI avatar from Lily to deliver that message, so I can select from a library of different avatars. I can also create a Demo twin or an AI avatar version of Jackson or somebody from my sales team. So here’s a look at Helen.1135
04:03:05.680 –> 04:03:32.129
Jackson Eldridge: Hey? There! We are excited to share that your digital replica is ready to go so I could select Helen, you know, just say, generate video from here, and that’s going to be plopped in and then ideally, at the end of your demo flow, you’re prompting your viewer with a call to action, I could say, visit pricing, or talk to sales, and within about 2 to 3 min my demo is ready to publish. So maybe I embed this to a landing page or my marketing website, or if I’m a salesperson. Maybe I send it directly to my to my demo viewer. But here’s what we have.1136
04:03:32.600 –> 04:03:34.070
Jackson Eldridge: Here’s our title card.1137
04:03:35.240 –> 04:03:39.020
Jackson Eldridge: We see the backdrop and spotlight. Here’s the track and zoom animation.1138
04:03:40.670 –> 04:03:46.900
Jackson Eldridge: Here’s the video insert of me typing out and searching for my transaction. Then we’re going to hear the AI voiceover on the next step1139
04:03:47.100 –> 04:03:50.060
Jackson Eldridge: expenses for seamless reconciliation. Later1140
04:03:50.960 –> 04:03:56.939
Jackson Eldridge: one more click, and then we have our call to action, and as a demo viewer I can visit pricing talk to sales or also opt in from here.1141
04:04:00.650 –> 04:04:10.789
Jackson Eldridge: So at Storyline we’ve been known for helping people build Killer Demos in 10 min. But now, with the help of Lily. We’re saying you can build out a really polished demo within 2 min now.1142
04:04:13.700 –> 04:04:18.749
Jackson Eldridge: So really excited for Lily, you can go to the storyline website and say, Meet, Lily.1143
04:04:21.020 –> 04:04:50.190
Jackson Eldridge: we have a video from our founder. But February is all about empowering demo creators with faster creation using Lily. And then we’re also going to release Lily in March as a way to interface with buyers. So, having an AI demo agent, instead of having to get on a live sales. Call with somebody. You can jump into a sales room with Lily and say, Hey, tell me about this feature. Explain pricing to me, and based on all the demos you’ve created and the documentation that you’ve fed into the AI model. Then it can help lead that buyer through the information to learn about your offering.1144
04:04:54.640 –> 04:04:58.260
Jackson Eldridge: I think that just about does it as a as a crash course for Lily.1145
04:04:58.770 –> 04:04:59.869
Julia Nimchinski: 7 min!1146
04:05:00.260 –> 04:05:01.040
Julia Nimchinski: Wow!1147
04:05:01.480 –> 04:05:02.030
Jackson Eldridge: Yeah.1148
04:05:02.030 –> 04:05:10.499
Jackson Eldridge: the I think, Julia we mentioned we had a 10 min slot, but we took that demo creation from 10 min down to 2 min, so now we’ve got a couple of minutes just to to shoot the breeze.1149
04:05:10.850 –> 04:05:22.919
Julia Nimchinski: Awesome. Let’s address some questions for the community. So one of them is, how does the platform handle updates to our platform? Do we need to recreate Demos with each change.1150
04:05:23.460 –> 04:05:46.099
Jackson Eldridge: Yeah, fair question. So whenever you capture a a demo using storyline, it is cloned from your platform and no longer connected to the backend systems. But it’s really easy to go to. Maybe a specific screen. Let’s say a certain dashboard has been redesigned. You can just capture that individual screen and then replace it on step number 6. You don’t have to completely recreate the demo, so takes about one to 2 min to to update a screen.1151
04:05:47.240 –> 04:05:54.279
Julia Nimchinski: Awesome. How does Starlane’s AI driven personalization enhance the demo experience for different audience segments.1152
04:05:54.640 –> 04:06:23.329
Jackson Eldridge: Yeah, fair question. So when Lily rolls out in March for a demo buyer, they’d be able to interact and say, Hey, I belong to this vertical can you talk to me about this feature, or or maybe you prompt them to? You know Lily could ask them, you know, if your. If your solution serves 3 sectors, you know. Do you work in healthcare government or finance? You could ask them at the very top of the demo, you know which which industry do you belong to? And then from that point onward all the demo language and the recommendations served from Lilly would be focusing on the finance use cases.1153
04:06:25.240 –> 04:06:36.310
Julia Nimchinski: See a couple of questions here asking about who do you consider your competitors? And how does this fit fit in with plg platforms like reprise?1154
04:06:38.110 –> 04:07:01.289
Jackson Eldridge: Yeah, sure, I’d say reprises is going to be a competitor. Some other top names in the category would be Walnut Nevadic. But Storyline is really taking. You know, we’re really moving ahead with the AI Agentic Demo creation. That is kind of a new innovation that we’re pushing. But I would definitely recommend checking out. Just if you search demo automation category, you can find a lot of good companies out there.1155
04:07:02.880 –> 04:07:05.140
Julia Nimchinski: What are your differentiators in space.1156
04:07:05.640 –> 04:07:10.720
Jackson Eldridge: Yeah, fair question. I’d say there’s quite a few players in the space.1157
04:07:11.030 –> 04:07:34.729
Jackson Eldridge: and I’d say everyone’s trying to cover all the bases. Serve all the different use cases across pre-sale sales marketing. And then I’d say sterling does really well with ease of use. We rank near the top on ease of use on G 2. We’re also the highest rated as far as customer satisfaction on G. 2 across the entire category. So kind of handling that early product adoption of like, I’m building out my 1st one or 2 demos, or handing this off to a to a coworker.1158
04:07:34.730 –> 04:07:59.720
Jackson Eldridge: making it really easy to get started, but also having the robustness to maybe handle like a really complex product, or enabling a pre-sales team to build out really robust sandbox demos. So there are certain platforms that are really focused on the ease of use, and maybe just a few screenshots and animating a few demos together. And then there’s some platforms, I’d say, like maybe reprise or Salio or Demo stack, they’re really focused on the more complex demo build outs. But it’s harder1159
04:07:59.720 –> 04:08:08.560
Jackson Eldridge: to get started. I think Store Lane does a great job at getting started really easily. And then, as you grow into your projects, there is a lot of robustness for building out. Those larger demo initiatives.1160
04:08:09.270 –> 04:08:13.140
Julia Nimchinski: Justin, you mentioned that you are on the founding sales team. So1161
04:08:13.600 –> 04:08:18.700
Julia Nimchinski: why did you join the team? This product, this company? What inspired you to do so.1162
04:08:18.990 –> 04:08:28.660
Jackson Eldridge: Yeah. Well, I remember looking at the job posting and then having my initial conversations with the founders, and at my previous company I worked on a really small ragtag, go to market team, and we did1163
04:08:28.660 –> 04:08:52.560
Jackson Eldridge: pretty much everything we did like marketing content. We did sales calls, we did implementation post sales, customer success. And I remember always having to re-record loom videos for every new customer, re-answering every single question, and when I was applying for storyline, I downloaded the Plugin. I built a demo within 5 to 10 min, and I was like, this was way, faster, way, easier. It’s a better viewing experience as well. So instead of passively watching a loom video of somebody else doing a work1164
04:08:52.560 –> 04:09:13.940
Jackson Eldridge: for me as a demo viewer, I get to actively click and jump to different chapters and understand the features a lot easier. So I was like as anybody working on a go to market team. This would save me so much time, but also as someone who’s going through a help Doc, or viewing a how to demo from a website. I would much prefer to interact with us with an interactive demo built on storyline versus your traditional video content.1165
04:09:15.140 –> 04:09:21.739
Julia Nimchinski: Super cool. And I assume you’re just using the product in your day to day. The basically buying process selling process cash.1166
04:09:21.740 –> 04:09:23.200
Jackson Eldridge: Oh, yeah, we use it all the time.1167
04:09:24.450 –> 04:09:29.010
Julia Nimchinski: What are some? I don’t know. Just inspiring customer stories.1168
04:09:29.270 –> 04:09:38.060
Julia Nimchinski: any use cases, any interesting again. Just I don’t know, I guess, just what are the non obvious use cases that you’re seeing.1169
04:09:38.250 –> 04:10:03.210
Jackson Eldridge: Yeah, I’d say, top 2 use cases would be marketers that are looking to improve conversions from their website. So there’s a lot of top of funnel leads that are kind of weary to jump on a sales call. They’re not sure if a product is going to be a good fit, but by providing a product tour that’s maybe gated from the website or just published from the marketing website, they can view all the features, and they can be extra sure that they want to opt into the sales cycle. So we’ve had a lot of companies like one of our partners, factorsai.1170
04:10:03.210 –> 04:10:28.179
Jackson Eldridge: They improved conversion rates by almost 8 times from their from their website. That was a great use case for them. And then, I think, for a lot of like pre sales and sales teams they’re thinking about, how can I automate certain demo interactions? So instead of having to have a solutions consultant present on every single sales, call to show basic integrations or basic features. How can I create these on demand? Demo assets that I could hand off to an Sdr. An account executive that way. They can handle1171
04:10:28.180 –> 04:10:35.680
Jackson Eldridge: those early product, Demos. And we can, you know, conserve our solutions, engineers, and more complex demo setup for your later stage deals.1172
04:10:36.690 –> 04:10:47.969
Julia Nimchinski: Couple of questions from community here. What factors led to Lucy’s introduction and the completion of Demos in just 2 min. Are there any challenges faced before implementing Lucy.1173
04:10:48.540 –> 04:11:13.480
Jackson Eldridge: Yeah. Good question. What led to this is that we’ve already rolled out some AI features like the AI voiceover was existing. Some of that preliminary, like contextual demo guide writing features existed, but our customers gave us feedback, saying, Hey, we want, like a consistent ability to apply this across an entire demo. So instead of just capturing the screens and me having to type in the content and move things around, I want the animations to happen automatically.1174
04:11:13.480 –> 04:11:30.259
Jackson Eldridge: I want the content creation to happen automatically. I want to be able to mass upload an AI avatar to deliver a video experience and also an AI voiceover experience. So we’ve had these pieces in play for quite a few months now. They’ve just wanted, like a much faster application across the entire demo which led to the creation of Lily.1175
04:11:31.670 –> 04:11:39.479
Julia Nimchinski: Next question here from Andrew. Is there any license restrictions for broadcasting such demos as part of Youtube video.1176
04:11:40.030 –> 04:11:46.489
Jackson Eldridge: No, I’d say, when you have this embedded to your website, you want it to be in that interactive demo player. But you also have the option1177
04:11:46.490 –> 04:12:10.229
Jackson Eldridge: for repurposing as video content. So you can go to your share options. Download as an Mp. 4, all the AI avatars and AI voiceover that you used in your interactive demo would go into that Mp. 4 file, and then you could repurpose for Linkedin Twitter, Youtube. But I’ll say that whenever you publish a demo on storyline, you have unlimited views, so on all the various subscription tiers you can publish unlimited demos and have unlimited views. So there’s no constriction happening there.1178
04:12:11.390 –> 04:12:18.237
Julia Nimchinski: Tell us more about your roadmap you mentioned gentic like direction. But what are you allowed to share.1179
04:12:18.580 –> 04:12:45.629
Jackson Eldridge: Oh, man, I’d say, yeah, I talked about Lily, another big roadmap we’re looking forward to. I really focused on like the screenshot and video Demos in my initial demo. But with storyline you can also build with dynamic HTML. So you’re taking an HTML scrape from the front end of your system, and that allows a demo builder to like change elements anonymize sensitive information. And it’s all no code, you know, but you’re having to edit individual elements or like bulk, search and replace maybe a logo or a1180
04:12:45.630 –> 04:12:48.820
Jackson Eldridge: you know, or a text string. What we’re really excited about.1181
04:12:48.820 –> 04:13:14.030
Jackson Eldridge: you know, coming up this quarter is going to be AI, prompted HTML editing. So instead of having to, you know, click on a logo and swap it out, you could prompt an AI interface to say, like, Hey, swap out every logo on this page, or anonymize every dollar amount within a 10% variance, or swap out every mention of John from this company and give it like a fictional customer. So you can make some bulk edits using AI.1182
04:13:15.090 –> 04:13:20.580
Julia Nimchinski: Thank you so much, Jackson. And where should our community go? Is there any trial.1183
04:13:21.290 –> 04:13:34.070
Jackson Eldridge: Yes, we have a free workspace that you can get started with. And then for some of our higher level plans, we do have the ability to open up a short trial, just need to have a quick call, and you can find all that information at Storylineio.1184
04:13:35.040 –> 04:13:43.419
Julia Nimchinski: Amazing pleasure hosting you, and that wraps up our day. 3 day. 2. Gosh!1185
04:13:43.560 –> 04:13:46.000
Julia Nimchinski: Oh, AI summit at. -
04:13:46.520 –> 04:14:01.429
Julia Nimchinski: Thank you, everyone for attending. Thank you again for our speakers, the community, everyone. Day 3 is going to be amazing. We have Thomas John Miller, Carolu to Catassian public.1187
04:14:02.025 –> 04:14:14.780
Julia Nimchinski: Ai for community growth with Mark Orien and a lot a lot a lot of Demos. So join us tomorrow. Share your feedback in slack. It’s always the events channel.1188
04:14:15.100 –> 04:14:18.740
Julia Nimchinski: And yeah, that’s all she wrote.1189
04:14:20.250 –> 04:14:24.510
Julia Nimchinski: Justin, take us out. What’s your favorite book?1190
04:14:25.220 –> 04:14:26.430
Jackson Eldridge: My favorite, quote.1191
04:14:26.610 –> 04:14:27.210
Julia Nimchinski: Yeah.1192
04:14:27.540 –> 04:14:29.369
Jackson Eldridge: Man, you’re putting me on the spot.1193
04:14:29.570 –> 04:14:30.370
Jackson Eldridge: I don’t.1194
04:14:33.250 –> 04:14:36.140
Jackson Eldridge: Oh, I don’t have anything for you, Julie. I wish I did.1195
04:14:38.680 –> 04:14:41.239
Julia Nimchinski: I guess. Justin, are you here? Even?1196
04:14:44.100 –> 04:14:48.530
Julia Nimchinski: Nothing amazing. Everyone leaves.1197
04:14:48.740 –> 04:14:51.049
Julia Nimchinski: Okay, then. No codes.1198
04:14:51.400 –> 04:14:54.159
Julia Nimchinski: See you tomorrow. And yeah, thank you again.1199
04:14:54.930 –> 04:14:55.680
Julia Nimchinski: Got it.