03:33:36.210 –> 03:33:47.690
Julia Nimchinski: Amazing, and we are transitioning to our practical AI demo part yuri zaremba AI, awesome, human, awesome. AI is the ours.1260
03:33:47.930 –> 03:33:49.010
Julia Nimchinski: How are you doing.1261
03:33:49.760 –> 03:34:05.039
Yuriy Zaremba: Doing great. Thank you so much for the introduction, Yulia, very excited to be here today to tell you more about kind of AI as you are, and what is currently possible in the age of AI outreach, and what is still1262
03:34:05.270 –> 03:34:07.570
Yuriy Zaremba: not possible, right? So.1263
03:34:08.430 –> 03:34:16.080
Julia Nimchinski: This is amazing. Our community was really excited about this one. Got a lot of feedback. 1st question, how did you get that domain?1264
03:34:17.673 –> 03:34:20.389
Yuriy Zaremba: So before it became kinda1265
03:34:21.880 –> 03:34:44.260
Yuriy Zaremba: cool to be an AI Sdr. Company, I thought that this could be actually a really good application of AI. So I just like Google, is the domain available at that point of time. It cost $2,000, and I just paid out of pocket, even if I never started a company, I thought it could be useful. We also own aibdr.com domain right? So1266
03:34:44.960 –> 03:34:47.550
Yuriy Zaremba: very useful marketing asset these days.1267
03:34:48.150 –> 03:34:52.620
Julia Nimchinski: Tell us more about the coffee that AI impact the billboards on your company.1268
03:34:52.740 –> 03:34:57.150
Yuriy Zaremba: Yes, yes, but it all drives traffic, you know. All drives traffic.1269
03:34:58.260 –> 03:35:01.670
Julia Nimchinski: I saw a lot of war on the Linkedin wilderness.1270
03:35:02.846 –> 03:35:11.149
Julia Nimchinski: Okay, then, let’s just transition into the practical AI Demos. And then a lot of questions. Want to make it as dynamic as possible.1271
03:35:11.310 –> 03:35:12.350
Julia Nimchinski: Let’s roll.1272
03:35:12.520 –> 03:35:29.190
Yuriy Zaremba: Sounds good. Yeah, happy. Tell me more about it. Right? So when people talk about AI Sdrs, the 1st thing they wanna know is results. Right? So this is my dashboard for the kind of 2 weeks of February. So 1,200 people contacted 21 meetings booked1273
03:35:29.290 –> 03:35:39.759
Yuriy Zaremba: approximately 2% conversion to meeting booked rate. Those are qualified. I actually closed a deal today that I booked 2 days ago1274
03:35:39.830 –> 03:35:59.320
Yuriy Zaremba: using AI Sdr. Right? And the way to kind of think. And and the way to think about AI Sdr is basically, it’s your platform to manage the outreach end to end right? So you shouldn’t think about it as a replacement for your Sdr. But as a very advanced marketing platform. Right? So we help you find people to reach out to1275
03:35:59.320 –> 03:36:22.039
Yuriy Zaremba: who are most relevant to your specific audience and business. We then create highly personalized messaging across email and Linkedin, make sure it’s delivered in the inbox, taking care of all the technical aspects. And then, when somebody responds, our AI can correspond, answer, follow up questions, handle objections up until the meeting is booked. So full autopilot from contact to meeting booked.1276
03:36:22.060 –> 03:36:25.659
Yuriy Zaremba: But what we really focus on is making sure that you can1277
03:36:26.280 –> 03:36:29.090
Yuriy Zaremba: build audience. That is the most1278
03:36:29.270 –> 03:36:47.400
Yuriy Zaremba: likely to convert right? So, and for that we have few ways to do. That 1st is the usual one, the one that everyone thinks about when they think about cold outreach, which is like finding people in zoom info, which is included in our subscription or in Sales navigator, which again, is included in our subscription.1279
03:36:47.980 –> 03:37:10.989
Yuriy Zaremba: But what is really valuable, and the highest conversion comes from the non obvious sources. So your Crm, obviously so, for now it’s Hubspot. But some of the plays that convert extremely high is closed, lost reactivation lookalike to your closed one deals. This is all possible with Aisdr. If you want to go and connect.1280
03:37:11.690 –> 03:37:18.530
Yuriy Zaremba: follow up with people after the event, you can just drop the Csp with the contacts to Aisr. We’re going to follow up.1281
03:37:18.710 –> 03:37:34.009
Yuriy Zaremba: You will likely receive a couple emails from Aisr after this event as well, and then the most valuable ones are actually warm leads which we can also identify. So the 1st category is website visitors1282
03:37:34.010 –> 03:37:59.699
Yuriy Zaremba: which, where we are able to identify people who visit specific pages of your website and then instantly filter them down by Icp, right? So website, visitors is table stakes these days. But you have a list of like 1,200 people like I do today, and it’s pretty difficult to like. Make it useful. You have to use a whole bunch of tools with Aisr. It’s all in one, right? So you can basically say.1283
03:37:59.740 –> 03:38:17.010
Yuriy Zaremba: only Cxos who visited our pricing page. And out of like 12,000 contacts. It will probably leave me with 4 right? 4 that are most likely to engage because they visited a high intent1284
03:38:17.100 –> 03:38:21.069
Yuriy Zaremba: page, and they are claw executives. So they are decision makers.1285
03:38:21.480 –> 03:38:35.000
Yuriy Zaremba: And the last one that we launched just in a couple weeks ago is social signals. Right? So it works in a similar way. But essentially, we can track people who engage with content1286
03:38:35.000 –> 03:38:54.659
Yuriy Zaremba: of specific influencers or companies on Linkedin. Right? So you can put a tracker on your competitor, company page on your competitor, sea level executives on your own company, page and sea level executives on influencers in your space, and we will be able to filter down people who like their content.1287
03:38:54.660 –> 03:39:21.370
Yuriy Zaremba: and then kind of filter down them again by management level, like C-level, vice President departments to make sure that we’re reaching out only to your Icp right? So an example, it takes time to run this search. So an example of how it would look like right. So I have my Linkedin profile. And then I said, like, Find me only people who are of this company size and this management level, and in the past couple of days. This are the executives that liked kind of my posts on Linkedin.1288
03:39:21.370 –> 03:39:48.809
Yuriy Zaremba: Right? This is extremely powerful. We launched a campaign like this one for an influencer in our space yesterday and today I posted about the fact that we booked a demo in 12 min, right? So influencer posted, somebody liked. We narrowed down, reached out. They went to our website, checked it out, booked a demo 12 min from email to meeting book. So very actionable and then essentially kind of once you1289
03:39:49.360 –> 03:39:52.329
Yuriy Zaremba: add the lead to the campaign.1290
03:39:53.350 –> 03:40:07.219
Yuriy Zaremba: I’m gonna use one of my existing ones and use the Vice president of Linkedin. Right? So why not? The next step is to choose a persona. Right? So what’s really important and probably kind of the key1291
03:40:08.430 –> 03:40:21.159
Yuriy Zaremba: challenge right is to teach AI to write in your tone of voice and style, and understand like how to personalize well in AI, Sdr, we do that through a concept called personas.1292
03:40:21.160 –> 03:40:38.479
Yuriy Zaremba: and those are essentially extremely detailed prompts, super structured, very detailed, which we build for you, using AI right? So it takes like 10 to 15 min to build this prompt in space on kind of various aspects, research of your specific company, etc. And we1293
03:40:38.480 –> 03:40:49.459
Yuriy Zaremba: trained it to mimic messaging styles of kind of specific top performing humans, and we can easily train it to mimic your messaging style. Then into the goal, like book a demo.1294
03:40:49.920 –> 03:41:15.099
Yuriy Zaremba: And then you can figure the sequence that can be delivered across email and Linkedin, right? So on email, you said, days between follow ups number follow ups on Linkedin. We can send an invite to connect a message when the invite is accepted and then a follow up message. It’s fully automated and synchronized across email. And Linkedin. We don’t do. AI calls, because, in my opinion, the AI voice is good, but not for sales. Right? It’s just1295
03:41:15.300 –> 03:41:31.820
Yuriy Zaremba: not there yet, and then we take care of your deliverability. Right? So we will set up the email infrastructure for you. We will buy domains, mailboxes, warm them up, take care of deliverability, monitor it, swap out the domains if they burn. For whatever reason.1296
03:41:32.110 –> 03:41:36.930
Yuriy Zaremba: then you set a sending schedule and create a preview email.1297
03:41:36.970 –> 03:41:59.510
Yuriy Zaremba: Claude, by the way, is my favorite model for content generation and Gpt-zero one is second best. Gpt. 4.0 is great. If you have very strict prompts, which we do right. But you can choose whichever you like the most in Aisd. And on top of plain text, we can also do AI videos and memes. So AI videos is basically a1298
03:41:59.510 –> 03:42:18.579
Yuriy Zaremba: deep fake of you giving a custom voice over AI pitch to every person who receives an email. It’s crazy. People know that this is AI, right? It’s not like extremely human like, but because it’s a huge pattern. Interrupt the response. Rate and conversion rate is very high, like much higher than anything else.1299
03:42:18.950 –> 03:42:42.919
Yuriy Zaremba: And this is kind of the sort of email that we can create. Right? So maybe you would like it shorter, maybe longer. But this is all kind of configurable. So it analyzed the person’s linkedin X Youtube activity, podcasts and thought that the post about the world, economic Forum and the fact that the sales skills will change by 20301300
03:42:43.030 –> 03:42:56.709
Yuriy Zaremba: was the most relevant in the context of what we’re doing and then saying like, Hey, your team could be spending this much time on admin tasks. This is how we can help solve that. Would you be open to a brief discussion about that? And then a whole bunch of follow ups1301
03:42:57.210 –> 03:43:17.010
Yuriy Zaremba: that basically like, offer valuable pieces of content, reiterate like Gartner, latest sales, report, reiterate the key studies, etc. And then, when you click create campaign. It will start sending those emails. Then follow ups across email and Linkedin until they engage. And when they engage.1302
03:43:17.140 –> 03:43:35.500
Yuriy Zaremba: the most interesting thing is going to happen because AI is going to start a conversation. And this is one of my latest conversations. So this is how the AI Deepfake video looks like, right? So it’s a gif embedded into an email. And when you click it it will give a custom pitch that I have never given to anyone.1303
03:43:35.680 –> 03:43:51.769
Yuriy Zaremba: So. And then the person responds right and says, like, Hey, this is cool. But video is AI, and it’s way too obvious. Right? So person says that it’s obvious because it is, and then explains that1304
03:43:52.040 –> 03:43:56.159
Yuriy Zaremba: target customers are tech savvy entrepreneurs. So probably it’s not going to be a fit.1305
03:43:56.450 –> 03:44:18.409
Yuriy Zaremba: And then AI replies, so this reply is fully automated. No human ever reviewed it, no human ever kind of interacted with it. It came. It comes in in less than 10 min after the person engages. Why? Because speed to lead is important and increases conversion rate dramatically. Right? So we say, Hey, appreciate the honest feedback. You’re right. Won’t work.1306
03:44:18.620 –> 03:44:24.820
Yuriy Zaremba: Probably kind of will reach out when the video reaches a better level of sophistication. Right? So1307
03:44:25.250 –> 03:44:34.469
Yuriy Zaremba: AI is not being agreeable. It says, like, Yeah, it’s not good enough like, let’s let’s move forward. And then the person responds, saying, Hey, sounds like a plan.1308
03:44:34.740 –> 03:44:43.120
Yuriy Zaremba: But do you mind sharing how you got my contact info. After I visited your website, website, visitor, right? Like very useful feature. Rb, 2, B. By any chance.1309
03:44:43.660 –> 03:45:03.040
Yuriy Zaremba: And then AI replies, saying, like, Hey, we have our own website, visitor tracking software. And like this is what powers our outreach, to which the person responds pretty cool, maybe worth a chat. Here’s a link to my calendar. So from now this is not really like what I’m looking for to hey? Let’s book a meeting1310
03:45:03.710 –> 03:45:14.059
Yuriy Zaremba: through a fully AI driven conversation. And that’s the future, right? So using AI to find people who are most likely to engage focusing on signals1311
03:45:14.100 –> 03:45:37.659
Yuriy Zaremba: reaching out to them across email and Linkedin so multi-touch campaigns. There will be more channels taking care of all the technical aspects, because the email providers and like Linkedin and everyone else, will consistently be kind of fighting AI. But the vendors will grow up to that level, and then, when somebody responds, engage super fast to maximize conversion rate1312
03:45:37.820 –> 03:45:58.380
Yuriy Zaremba: through kind of impressive speed to lead. And this applies to like outbound, inbound events pretty broad. This is what’s possible today, right? And the results that I showed you at the beginning. Those are my results that we have today. And it works right. And it’s going to get even better.1313
03:45:59.840 –> 03:46:14.410
Julia Nimchinski: This is amazing, Yuri. It’s really cool that you’re approaching. The use case not only from the sales side of things, but also marketing and generally go to market. People are curious to know, how are you differentiating from your competitors in space?1314
03:46:14.690 –> 03:46:17.019
Julia Nimchinski: What is special about your platform?1315
03:46:17.360 –> 03:46:40.340
Yuriy Zaremba: Yeah. So the space is super crowded, right? But essentially, if you look at the market, most vendors still approach the outbound in the classical like 2010 approach right? So find people to reach out to send them emails. The difference is going to be that the emails will be personalized1316
03:46:40.460 –> 03:47:07.389
Yuriy Zaremba: right? And that doesn’t give that much of a lift right? And when you look back at what I showed you today, what I was focusing most is like, Hey, who is the most likely to respond? And this is the main difference. Right? So AI Sdr helps you find people who are most likely to respond by focusing on signals and then by creating kind of high quality messaging. And then the the last part is that our aisdr is conversational right. What it means is that it can1317
03:47:07.440 –> 03:47:25.760
Yuriy Zaremba: qualify conversational or inbound leads, and it can engage super fast with interested outbound leads to maximize, conversion rates, so signals and conversational kind of super fast engagement, which, in the kind of short term, increases your conversion rate dramatically.1318
03:47:27.290 –> 03:47:36.499
Julia Nimchinski: You mentioned one more domain. Curious about your general roadmap. What are you allowed to share? What’s coming in? 2025. What are you excited about?1319
03:47:36.990 –> 03:47:46.549
Yuriy Zaremba: I’m very excited about voice. AI, honestly right. So, as I mentioned at the beginning, it’s not there yet, but I think it’s gonna get there.1320
03:47:46.850 –> 03:47:58.110
Yuriy Zaremba: I’m very excited about AI avatars. Right? So, as I mentioned, they’re currently pattern interrupt. But because you know that this is AI. But I saw AI avatars powered by Sora.1321
03:47:58.640 –> 03:48:17.720
Yuriy Zaremba: and like those, are currently just like very expensive. But I can see the cost dropping down and then talking to AI avatars becoming like really table stakes. And and generally I think that we will go more and more into this concept that is getting a lot of1322
03:48:17.790 –> 03:48:32.130
Yuriy Zaremba: attention on on Linkedin, which is micro campaigns right? So being able to constantly be monitoring for like, hey, where is this kind of signal trigger for this kind of super targeted audience that I can get conversions with.1323
03:48:32.360 –> 03:48:44.050
Yuriy Zaremba: and then reaching out to people at that point of time. And I think there will be a lot of work on ais side to start kind of finding more and more signals, and then reaching out across more and more channels.1324
03:48:44.660 –> 03:49:05.340
Julia Nimchinski: I want to combine this session with part of our another event type. It’s AI sessions. People really love that where we focus on methods, not only on technology, but how do you use the technology? So really curious to know, what methods of using AI Sdrs, do you? You mentioned the avatars. But1325
03:49:05.470 –> 03:49:15.849
Julia Nimchinski: what’s effective now? And what’s gonna be even more effective because we kind of tired of, you know, the personalization versus relevance conversation. It feels like we’re talking about for a decade now.1326
03:49:16.330 –> 03:49:29.279
Yuriy Zaremba: Yeah, yeah, that’s true. And I think the main focus is gonna be on those micro campaigns and like sales plays. Right? So for example, today and and today on Ais, the most kind of1327
03:49:29.840 –> 03:49:35.819
Yuriy Zaremba: high converting use cases are like high intent page website, visitor identification, outreach1328
03:49:35.980 –> 03:49:46.800
Yuriy Zaremba: social signals like targeting competitors, targeting influencers, targeting kind of your own followers, identification, outreach, lookalike to closed one1329
03:49:46.810 –> 03:50:07.419
Yuriy Zaremba: look alike to your best customers and then targeting kind of people who are using compatible technologies. Right? So not just kind of reaching out to broad audience of like, I don’t know Ceos of fortune, 500 companies, but trying to really understand, like, who’s your perfect1330
03:50:07.540 –> 03:50:34.470
Yuriy Zaremba: target and build a campaign around that right? This is why Clay has been growing so fast right because they give people tools to build any audience they want right and then create messaging tailored around the pains of that audience. And I think this trend will just kind of continue. And what’s going to be added on top is that not only any audience with crystal granularity, but also any channel1331
03:50:34.670 –> 03:50:43.560
Yuriy Zaremba: with gonna any channel and multi-channel right so, and it will all be powered by AI. -
03:50:44.630 –> 03:50:54.440
Julia Nimchinski: Super cool. What integrations are you seeing with a Isdr that are actually exciting? But crms! I don’t know. Play, perhaps.1333
03:50:55.370 –> 03:51:02.829
Yuriy Zaremba: So at Aisr. Our philosophy is to build essentially an agent that would offer you a1334
03:51:03.160 –> 03:51:07.087
Yuriy Zaremba: best practices for go to market out of the box.1335
03:51:07.750 –> 03:51:20.040
Yuriy Zaremba: at some point of time. Right? So currently, you still have to kind of build them out yourself. But we want to make it fully autonomous in the kind of relatively short time frame. So we’re building most of the things in house.1336
03:51:20.060 –> 03:51:44.429
Yuriy Zaremba: right? So website visitors our own social signals, our own sending infrastructure our own to make sure that we can build this kind of agent with a lot of hands and a lot of kind of data inputs. So our main integrations are focused on crms. Right? So currently, we have hubspot salesforce is obviously next on the list. And probably we’re also going to build pipedrive.1337
03:51:45.310 –> 03:51:51.190
Yuriy Zaremba: But if you look at the space in a broader sense, right? So I think1338
03:51:51.800 –> 03:52:17.310
Yuriy Zaremba: clay is a must integration right these days, especially if you’re dealing with messaging and like sending, sequencing across any channel. And if you’re a data vendor, you also have to be a vendor of clay, right? Because I’m talking to a lot of vendors myself, and I’m just asking them like, Hey, how much business are you getting from, Clay? And they like a lot right? So I’m really happy for them that they raised1339
03:52:17.340 –> 03:52:24.880
Yuriy Zaremba: and and new round. I think they are a great company, but they’re kind of focusing on one piece of the puzzle. We’re gonna do more than that.1340
03:52:25.670 –> 03:52:28.659
Yuriy Zaremba: And yeah, as I mentioned, like1341
03:52:28.800 –> 03:52:46.060
Yuriy Zaremba: overall, the way I see this space is going to be focused on capturing the most data, right? So you will have to be connected to multiple external data sources and then Crm and product data sources and redistributing messaging across multiple channels. So1342
03:52:46.240 –> 03:52:50.770
Yuriy Zaremba: email and kind of email sequencing softwares like outreach sales loft, etc.1343
03:52:51.030 –> 03:53:01.079
Yuriy Zaremba: or your own sequencing infrastructure as one option or and then kind of Linkedin text messaging calls, and who knows what comes next?