04:32:15.760 –> 04:32:26.259
Julia Nimchinski: Thank you so much again, and we are transitioning to AI powered, Rev. Ops with fullcast, and Selena Ashkar. Welcome.1520
04:32:26.260 –> 04:32:28.110
Celena Ashcar: Hi! Thank you for having me.1521
04:32:28.960 –> 04:32:32.220
Julia Nimchinski: It’s our pleasure. How are you doing? What’s new? What.1522
04:32:32.220 –> 04:32:33.010
Celena Ashcar: Doing great.1523
04:32:34.110 –> 04:32:50.129
Celena Ashcar: great, just kicking off the New Year excited about all that’s to come. We, you know, we help a lot with annual planning. So it’s been really great to be a part of our customers cut over with the New year and making lives easier as we do it. So yeah. It’s an exciting time for us.1524
04:32:50.880 –> 04:33:01.119
Julia Nimchinski: This is great, Selena, before we start. Just share with us. How do you see revops in 2025? We’re kicking off the year. What’s the big trend.1525
04:33:01.120 –> 04:33:21.379
Celena Ashcar: Revops is in a very exciting period. I feel like it’s been known to be one of the fastest growing jobs in America over the past couple of years. As businesses look to keep scaling. There’s a lot of consolidation acquisitions, mergers going on in the space, and they are being more and more prioritized as the engine behind. How to keep the1526
04:33:21.380 –> 04:33:36.739
Celena Ashcar: keep the boat moving despite all changes, and make sure that the revenue targets you’re responsible for are attained one way or the other. And yeah, it’s really exciting to see them gain more and more of a voice in these organizations and be viewed as really the powerhouse that they are.1527
04:33:37.820 –> 04:33:46.289
Julia Nimchinski: This is amazing. And are you already catering the Gtm architects, or like what’s next after? Rev. Ops. What’s what’s the role? Now.1528
04:33:46.619 –> 04:34:11.299
Celena Ashcar: Yeah, you know, after revops, I think you’ve you’ve just got to focus on the sales team themselves. Execution making sure you’re not getting caught up on more manual redundant tasks or not doing the job as smart as you can. There’s so much available to us now with AI, and really execution matters these days, which is why I love that you all are hosting sessions like this, helping people understand what’s available to them and how to better execute.1529
04:34:12.020 –> 04:34:13.130
Julia Nimchinski: Let’s dive into it.1530
04:34:13.430 –> 04:34:21.449
Celena Ashcar: Yeah, let’s dive into it. Well, you know, with full cast I think we’ve got till the 50 min mark. Is that right?1531
04:34:21.450 –> 04:34:22.090
Julia Nimchinski: Yep.1532
04:34:22.090 –> 04:34:47.149
Celena Ashcar: Okay, perfect. So I wanted to share a little bit about full cast. And what AI means to us. I think you know, when we think about AI in the business space. There’s a few different buckets that companies are focused on automating routine tasks, smarter customer service and more efficient operations. So I think a lot of what we hear about falls into those buckets, and the overall vision with AI and business right is to deliver more value with less effort.1533
04:34:47.240 –> 04:35:08.019
Celena Ashcar: and something we’re seeing here at fullcast and focused on is it is 2025. Now AI is in the spotlight. Yet we’re seeing most companies still carving territories, using spreadsheets. And what they’re doing is essentially taking their entire addressable market tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of accounts to go after, and1534
04:35:08.020 –> 04:35:28.189
Celena Ashcar: hundreds, maybe thousands, of sellers on their sales team, and it takes them months and months to orchestrate the go to market plan. How do we figure out the verticals, the industries we’re going after? What’s the capacity of our team? Who’s skilled at what and how do we apply this to our addressable market to make sure that we are hitting numbers consistently1535
04:35:28.230 –> 04:35:53.385
Celena Ashcar: and when you see people doing this manually still and in spreadsheets which are static and become. You know, they become invalid quickly after headcount changes or data points change. And it’s very difficult to keep up with manually and via spreadsheets, and especially when you’re looking at the cost, associated months and months of time on average, 10 to 20 people involved in the process. And1536
04:35:54.230 –> 04:36:21.800
Celena Ashcar: we are seeing this as a big opportunity to make a difference for organizations and really leveraging AI in your go to market planning and execution is the future of how businesses will run and those that adopt it 1st will have that advantage, and something we’re loving to see is our customers dominating their addressable markets and getting their products to market faster with fullcast and really just staying ahead of their competition by by doing the work smarter.1537
04:36:23.090 –> 04:36:23.810
Julia Nimchinski: So.1538
04:36:24.529 –> 04:36:25.029
Celena Ashcar: Yeah. Go ahead.1539
04:36:25.259 –> 04:36:28.809
Julia Nimchinski: It’s your main competitor correct on diy solutions. Basically.1540
04:36:28.810 –> 04:36:58.799
Celena Ashcar: I’d say our main competitor are spreadsheets. That is what typically most organizations are using for this process. If we’re to look at other platforms that we might hear of customers using. They’re typically actually geared towards financial planning Hr management marketing sales. So tools like pigment workday adaptive insights, gradient works. These are all platforms that are, you know, looking to help and expand into this area. But we’re taking a different approach to say.1541
04:36:58.800 –> 04:37:09.340
Celena Ashcar: our focus is Rev. Ops, and our platform is built by and for Rev. Ops, rather than being more for like finance or sales, and then trying to make it work for Rev. Ops.1542
04:37:10.369 –> 04:37:11.389
Julia Nimchinski: 7, 10.1543
04:37:11.390 –> 04:37:17.037
Celena Ashcar: Yeah, let’s do it all right. I’m gonna share my screen. Let’s make sure you all can see this. Okay.1544
04:37:18.669 –> 04:37:19.660
Celena Ashcar: does that look good?1545
04:37:19.660 –> 04:37:20.210
Julia Nimchinski: Yep.1546
04:37:20.540 –> 04:37:46.139
Celena Ashcar: Alright perfect. So to share a little bit about how we’re helping teams with this, you know, there are a number of components to our platform. We’ve got territory management quota management capacity planning lead contact and account routing. So I’m gonna focus my time on territory management today. It’s a very powerful part of our platform, one where we see AI being leveraged the most. So to give you a glimpse of what this looks like1547
04:37:46.450 –> 04:38:03.080
Celena Ashcar: here when you click into, manage territories and forecast. You’re basically gonna see? This left hand column populate your go to market segmentation. This looks different for every business that we work with. But as an example here we’re working with a company that at the all companies level1548
04:38:03.290 –> 04:38:09.850
Celena Ashcar: they’ve got, let’s say, when this loads 178,000 accounts at the all companies level.1549
04:38:09.880 –> 04:38:38.240
Celena Ashcar: Now, if you drill their go to market down a bit further, you’re gonna see that they split this up in geographic segments, America, Apac amia global Latam. And when you click into each of these geographic segments, they are further segmented into enterprise, financial services, government mid market. Smb, so again, lots you can do here. There is no cookie cutter way. We’re trying to push on you. We want to get your go to market strategy in here and your business segmentation.1550
04:38:38.640 –> 04:38:47.839
Celena Ashcar: The beauty of this is, it starts to help you really visualize and understand what is happening, and your plan and also your performance to plan. So far.1551
04:38:47.840 –> 04:39:12.670
Celena Ashcar: we see this Ui being very valuable for teams that are collaborating with others during the process. So let’s say, sales wants to get marketing operations, perspective or finances perspective, or maybe bring this to a board meeting and show. Here is how we’re going to meet our numbers this year, and how we’ve segmented our go to market. So this ui is super helpful for collaboration, for planning, for what if scenarios?1552
04:39:13.147 –> 04:39:25.810
Celena Ashcar: What if next year we don’t want to segment it this way? We want to do it purely verticalized. You can use the fullcast platform to see not only where you’re at right now, but what other scenarios might look like in the future.1553
04:39:26.660 –> 04:39:54.939
Celena Ashcar: So, as you see, when you click through these different segments and regions. You’ll you’re gonna see the same metrics at the top. But they’re changing, based on what you’re looking at. So at the all companies level, we’ve got 178,000 salesforce accounts, and we’ve built a metric here in fullcast to define them as either tier a, or tier B accounts, and the way that these metrics work with fullcast is, we essentially use your own salesforce data to tell you a story1554
04:39:54.940 –> 04:40:09.700
Celena Ashcar: using a formula. So for tier a accounts again. Customers all do this in different ways. Some teams might say, hey, what about the buying signals? We’ve had? The email opens and engagements. We’ve had the meetings we’ve had over the past 12 months with this account1555
04:40:09.700 –> 04:40:27.180
Celena Ashcar: that might make it a high score might make it a tier. A account a medium score might make it a tier B account. So we can help you really score and analyze the quality of the accounts in your territories, and ensure that every seller on your team has a fair and equal shot at hitting their quota.1556
04:40:27.180 –> 04:40:52.100
Celena Ashcar: Think as a seller myself. My question is always like, Why is this my quota like, can I see how we got to this number, how it makes sense with the territory I’ve been given, and a lot of times I end up with no answers, and really running a lot of salesforce reports myself, and then taking those reports to a 1 on one to see if I can get some answers and forecast is really just eliminating this altogether, saying, this is why your quota is what it1557
04:40:52.100 –> 04:41:02.210
Celena Ashcar: and the Territory associated the potential of that territory and then helps the leadership team actually track the progress in that region or territory along the way.1558
04:41:02.580 –> 04:41:17.090
Celena Ashcar: So you’ll see as we click through here. Let’s go into America now, of those 176,000 accounts, 148,000 are in America, and you can see the metrics kind of change, and the list of accounts within each of these territories change with you1559
04:41:17.770 –> 04:41:41.810
Celena Ashcar: to show you how we get to this point. There’s a few other tabs I want to touch on here. But, like I said, the the quotas are all very closely aligned with your territories and the coverage right. So if you’ve got overlay teams, if you’ve got, maybe temporary coverage while someone’s on parental leave, maybe you have an account executive and account manager associated to these accounts or this territory.1560
04:41:41.810 –> 04:41:50.519
Celena Ashcar: Maybe you have an overlay sales engineer. We want you to manage everybody that’s touching the Territories in this. Go to market plan very seamlessly.1561
04:41:50.520 –> 04:42:13.679
Celena Ashcar: You can even look back historically on who was covering it last year or last quarter and you can even start to get proactive to say, Hey, I know somebody’s leaving the team. They just put in their 2 week notice. We need to replace them. So we’re gonna put in a replacement placeholder. Or maybe we’re about to hire 5 new people. Let’s go ahead and put these placeholders for new hires, because once you’re in this proactive zone with fullcast.1562
04:42:13.870 –> 04:42:24.159
Celena Ashcar: You’ll notice people ramp quicker. There’s no delays in getting quotas and territories out to people that the system is working for you, and that’s really where you’ll see the AI start to shine.1563
04:42:24.300 –> 04:42:29.010
Celena Ashcar: So I’m gonna get into that show you a bit of it with the few minutes we’ve got here.1564
04:42:29.120 –> 04:42:34.949
Celena Ashcar: So I’m going to edit these Territories and we’ll jump into enterprise as an example. America enterprise.1565
04:42:35.300 –> 04:42:56.049
Celena Ashcar: So you can segment your business in a number of different ways with fullcast. We’re going to focus on smart plan today in the essence of AI. And what we’ve got here, smart plan is essentially a rules based system that runs simulations based on specific rules that you’ve input to find the best outcome in terms of carving territories.1566
04:42:56.050 –> 04:43:10.119
Celena Ashcar: So what we’re gonna do with smart plan is, say, Hey, within America enterprise. I’ve got 5 enterprise sellers. So I’m gonna need 5 territories. Maybe I want to cap it out so that each person has a max of a thousand accounts per territory.1567
04:43:10.460 –> 04:43:34.929
Celena Ashcar: So you’ve kind of set the framework here and now you go into the balancing criteria, and again you see some staggering statistics, like 80% of sellers, missed their quota last year, and that’s pretty intense. And it definitely is a driver behind the statistics behind rep attrition, and how, especially in the Sas Space Rep. Turnover is very common, and a lot of it comes from people just feeling like they’re not set up for success.1568
04:43:34.930 –> 04:43:42.109
Celena Ashcar: or they don’t have as fair of an opportunity to meet their goal as someone else on the team. And fullcast is solving that problem.1569
04:43:42.240 –> 04:43:46.259
Celena Ashcar: So when you tell us how many territories you need within this certain segment.1570
04:43:46.669 –> 04:44:06.769
Celena Ashcar: you’re gonna come in here and say, 1st and foremost, we want to minimize disruption. We are not here to mess with your open opportunities, your strategic accounts. So you tell us, input the criteria to say, these accounts should stay with their existing owners, no matter what, and we’ll make sure that we honor that, and we never disrupt any momentum in those accounts.1571
04:44:07.280 –> 04:44:23.369
Celena Ashcar: The second step here is, gonna be balancing the accounts by certain criteria. So this might be where you come in to say, Hey, I want all 5 of my enterprise salespeople in America to have an even number of tier a accounts. I also want them to have an even number of, let’s say.1572
04:44:24.294 –> 04:44:29.400
Celena Ashcar: employ an even number of accounts with an employee count greater than a thousand.1573
04:44:29.930 –> 04:44:39.549
Celena Ashcar: and then you can keep going and keep going and keep going until you really have this very fair and balanced approach. As to how you’re going to segment these accounts across your sellers.1574
04:44:39.690 –> 04:44:59.960
Celena Ashcar: I talked a little bit about metrics a little bit ago, just letting you know that we can tell you a story about your salesforce data using metrics. So you might also want to pull in some metrics here, maybe bookings potential. Maybe renewal potential things like that. So you can further balance the territories based on these higher level metrics.1575
04:45:01.040 –> 04:45:08.810
Celena Ashcar: So once you’ve input this balancing criteria. These are the rules that now fullcast is in real time applying to your addressable market.1576
04:45:08.930 –> 04:45:33.919
Celena Ashcar: Of course, when you’re planning for an annual period fullcast is, gonna do a lot of the work for you. Instead of this taking 4 to 6 months to figure out across all your reps. It’s gonna take you maybe a week or so to do this, depending on the size of your team. It might even just take you an hour. So it’s very quick, very easy way to get this work done and be able to prove that it’s accurate, that it’s it’s what you need it to be in order to hit your goals.1577
04:45:35.415 –> 04:45:54.069
Celena Ashcar: So a lot of time saving here. But then, once you put the plan, we’re not just helping you with the plan, what happens when you know. Come February 3 people leave the company, or 2 people get promoted, or a bunch of accounts get closed. One. And now you have, you know, to top off territories with new prospect accounts.1578
04:45:54.080 –> 04:46:18.789
Celena Ashcar: That’s all. Constant redundant work that needs to be done, very, very scrappy in spreadsheets and fullcast, is here to say, Hey, save your time, save your resources for better, more strategic work, and we’ll take care of this, this on the back end. And so what starts to happen is you’ll see these yellow dots emerging next to your territories, which is fullcast, essentially telling you1579
04:46:18.790 –> 04:46:24.190
Celena Ashcar: something’s changed in your data or headcount, and we suggest your territories move in these ways.1580
04:46:24.580 –> 04:46:46.980
Celena Ashcar: We can help with account families, parent, child accounts being in the same territories or not. And really just make sure that you know, at the end of the day that you’ve got a balanced set of territories for your sellers. We’ve got balancers to help prove it. Lots of cool reports and dashboards. So yeah, I’ll I’ll stop here knowing we’ve got just a couple of minutes left. -
04:46:48.210 –> 04:46:53.570
Julia Nimchinski: It is amazing, Selena, what feature is your favorite one, or workflow.1582
04:46:54.000 –> 04:47:00.039
Celena Ashcar: I would say, definitely smart plan. I think it’s just really amazing to see how1583
04:47:00.120 –> 04:47:27.880
Celena Ashcar: companies go from doing this exercise. It really takes weeks and weeks per team to going to just 30 min. And I think my favorite part of it is that it allows for more strategic, innovative thinking to where teams, instead of spending all their time on Rev. Ops just doing this more manual work fullcast will do this for them, and they’ll focus more on. What if scenarios? What if this happens next year? How can we be more proactive about this?1584
04:47:27.880 –> 04:47:43.780
Celena Ashcar: What would it look like if we changed? How we segmented the business, and you can just become more strategic as a as a revenue Ops team. And that really is my favorite part of seeing their work just change from more manual redundant tasks to more strategic and innovative.1585
04:47:45.070 –> 04:47:50.220
Julia Nimchinski: And people want to know what popular Crm platforms does focus, integrate with.1586
04:47:50.480 –> 04:48:11.360
Celena Ashcar: Yeah, so we’re definitely built for salesforce. Our founders built this for salesforce while they were there leading global. Rev. Ops, but one of our largest customers is a Microsoft dynamics user. So we we do pride ourselves in having a very gritty product team. And we can make it work with other crms. But typically, you know, salesforce is is the most common.1587
04:48:13.320 –> 04:48:19.680
Julia Nimchinski: Then people wanna know, yeah, it’s more like a generic question. But.1588
04:48:19.680 –> 04:48:20.040
Celena Ashcar: Yeah.1589
04:48:20.060 –> 04:48:25.339
Julia Nimchinski: How does focus help prevent revenue leakage in complex sales, orgs.1590
04:48:25.490 –> 04:48:40.189
Celena Ashcar: Yeah, that’s a great question. I think that’s really our bread and butter is preventing revenue leakage. You’ll think about little instances right? That really add up, especially in organizations with hundreds of sellers, thousands of sellers where somebody gets promoted. And1591
04:48:40.220 –> 04:49:03.729
Celena Ashcar: now their book of business might take weeks to get properly reallocated to the right people. Right? So there’s account accounts going stale, and that happens from rep movement, whether they’re being promoted, leaving going on parental leave. Things like that. Also, opportunity holdovers. You’ve got new leads coming in so revenue leakage we see happen a lot when leads accounts.1592
04:49:03.820 –> 04:49:11.743
Celena Ashcar: contacts, opportunities go untouched for a period of time. And typically that happens because of movement on the team.1593
04:49:12.320 –> 04:49:26.050
Celena Ashcar: and what forecast is focused on is capturing that right away, saying, Hey, this account hasn’t been touched in 30 days. Do you want to move it to a different territory? Maybe someone else will do something with it. Hey? Your rep just got moved from mid market to Enterprise.1594
04:49:26.300 –> 04:49:47.449
Celena Ashcar: Let’s move all the opportunities that are not in a later stage into a new person’s name, so that they’re not going stale. So we’re really focused on making sure that your opportunities, contacts, accounts, leads, are being touched all the time by the right people, so there is no leakage just from a you know, a mistake or an account, or lead slipping through the cracks.1595
04:49:49.230 –> 04:49:53.430
Julia Nimchinski: This is great, Selena. I wish we could prolong this. Where should our the community1596
04:49:53.430 –> 04:49:56.799
Julia Nimchinski: go? Is there any trial?1597
04:49:57.246 –> 04:49:58.780
Julia Nimchinski: Yeah. What’s the next step.1598
04:49:58.930 –> 04:50:13.259
Celena Ashcar: Yeah. So unfortunately, because we’re plugging this into your account data, there’s no easy way for us to do a free trial. But we’ve built it into a lot of agreements for customers that wanna sign up and get started, plug their annual plan in and start managing it with fullcast1599
04:50:13.558 –> 04:50:36.819
Celena Ashcar: built it into agreements to give some type of period during implementation of, you know, openness in the contract. So we we work with you. If if that’s something you need, but overall best way to do this is, come, get a demo with us. We completely personalize it and tailor it to your needs, and you can find me on Linkedin and reach out our company fullcast on Linkedin, or just go to fullcast.com and1600
04:50:36.980 –> 04:50:39.670
Celena Ashcar: submit a demo request, and we’ll get right to you.