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An Introduction to Lead Generation for Technology Companies


August 13th, 2022

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Lead generation for technology companies is the art of generating opportunities for sales among a specific target audience. The technology industry is currently growing at an incredible rate, with higher customer adoption and interest rates than ever before.

This means technology brands have excellent opportunities to capture and convert a large number of leads. However, they’re also facing significant competition, which makes creating the perfect lead generation strategy all the more important.

What is Lead Generation for Technology Companies?

The technology industry is one of the fastest-growing markets in the world, with a huge user base. However, many technology brands struggle to attract the right audience, as they have a hard time conveying the value of their products and services to customers.

In technology, lead generation is all about capturing the attention of a specific audience, generating engagement, and unlocking opportunities for sales. A lead is simply anyone who shows interest in the product or service a company offers. Usually, in the technology industry, this is someone who has shared their contact details with a brand to facilitate further communication.

“Lead generation” for technology companies refers to the processes and strategies businesses use to convince customers to share their contact information and enter the purchasing funnel. It can involve everything from the creation of landing pages to the use of webinars and demonstrations.

The Features of Lead Generation for Technology Companies

Often, the lead generation strategy you use as a technology company will share similarities with many other lead development campaigns. However, there are some major differences in how companies from different industries acquire leads. Technology companies, for instance, are constantly improving their products and services, to attract a wider audience. They update their software and hardware on a regular basis, which also means the need to regularly change their lead strategy.

A technology company can’t simply use the same landing page to attract customers for several years at a time. They need to assess their product, target audience, and market regularly to stay ahead of the competition. Lead generation for technology companies is often:

  • Agile: As mentioned above, technology companies need to regularly update and improve their lead generation techniques. Most tech brands will experiment with a range of different lead generation strategies and lead generation technologies to generate the right results.
  • Demonstration based: Technology companies know they need to prove themselves to their audience for the chance at a sale. This is why so many software companies offer free demos of their applications, or “freemium” accounts, to give users a taste of the service in exchange for their contact details, and the chance to sell to those clients later.
  • Versatile: Most technology companies aim to attract a number of different leads from different sectors (such as B2B and B2C customers). This means they tend to use different lead generation strategies for each segment.

Technology Lead Generation Strategies

There’s no one-size-fits-all lead generation strategy for technology companies. Most brands will need to experiment with a range of different tactics to determine which one works best for their business. However, there are some proven methods that tend to work well for technology brands, such as:

  • Webinars: Many consumers consider technology companies to be innovators and thought leaders with valuable information to share. Webinars which teach users about how to use a piece of software, or provide valuable insights into the market can be an excellent way to generate leads. This is particularly true in the B2B landscape, where many buyers will want to learn about things like sales and marketing software.
  • Landing pages: Landing pages are a common lead generation strategy which work well for all companies, including technology brands. The best landing pages for technology companies offer valuable “lead magnets” to convince customers to hand over their contact details. For instance, a technology company might create a landing page with a free eBook download, or a free trial of a piece of software they’re trying to sell.
  • Free trials: Most people investing in new technology aren’t entirely sure whether they’ll get a good return on investment from their purchase. This is particularly true in industries where technology is still being developed. A free trial can help to prove the value of a product to a customer, while also generating a fantastic lead. If a customer signs up for a free trial, the technology company will then have their details for marketing messages.
  • Influencer marketing: Influencer marketing can be an excellent tool for technology companies. Various companies like Squarespace and Microsoft in the technology industry have used this strategy in the past to collect more leads. Influencer marketing is particularly valuable among technology companies who are new to the marketplace, as it allows them to leverage the existing credibility of another popular figure.
  • Referral programs: Customers are far more likely to trust that a product or service is valuable to their needs when it’s recommended by someone, they think is credible. Referral programs can be an excellent way for technology companies to generate new leads from existing happy customers. You can even improve your chances of customers joining your referral programs by giving discounts and free gifts to your loyal clients.


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