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Your Guide to Tonality in Sales: The Basics


June 30th, 2022

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Tonality in sales has more of an impact on your chances of success than you might think. Notably, it’s not just “what you say” in a sales pitch that determines whether your customers are going to convert, it’s also “how you say it”. Using the right tone in conversation with prospects can inspire them to be more open to your suggestions and strategies.

So, how do you master tonality in sales?

What is Tonality in Sales?

Tonality in sales is essentially a term used to refer to the way you use your tone of voice in conversations with customers. Your voice is a crucial tool in the sales landscape, particularly among companies that rely heavily on cold calling and conversations with prospects.

How you use your voice tonality will determine whether you close more deals, or lose business. In most cases, the success of your tonality in sales will depend on two key factors:

  • Tone inflection: This refers to how you adjust the tone throughout a conversation. For instance, you might make your voice higher when you’re asking a question or lower your voice to close a declarative statement. You can also speak faster to indicate excitement.
  • Vocal energy: Fast bursts of vocal energy are more likely to indicate excitement, while slow and calculated energy is more likely to indicate thoughtfulness. Before you say anything, it’s worth thinking about the energy you want to create in the conversation.

Why is Tonality in Sales Important?

Making sales through conversations with customers relies on your ability to connect with your audience on an emotional level, and build a sense of rapport. Your voice tonality has a direct impact on how you make your customers feel about what you’re saying.

The way you use your voice when making a statement can have a huge impact on whether you encourage excitement in the person you’re talking to, or leave them feeling bored about your sales pitch. Think of it this way, would you rather buy from a sales person who sounds excited and passionate about the product they’re selling, or from someone who appears to be reading from a script?

Using the right tone in conversation with sales prospects is also particularly important when you don’t have other factors in play to help boost engagement and generate a deeper relationship. For instance, if you’re talking to someone over the phone, you can’t rely on your body language to make your message more appealing, so you need to stick with the right tone.

Voice Tonality Techniques to Use in Sales

There’s no one-size-fits-all strategy to using voice tonality effectively in sales. The right tone of voice to use with your customers will depend on a number of factors, including what kind of products you’re selling, and the nature of your pitch.

Some of the most common strategies to use with tonality in sales include:

  • Urgency: Speaking faster and with more urgency in your tone of voice can help to make the pitch feel more urgent. This is a good way to push your buyer to make decisions quickly when time is limited. You can create a sense of scarcity when lowering your voice and acting as though you’re letting your customers in on an important secret. You can also create urgency by stressing the same concept a number of times, such as stating you only have a certain number of days left in which you can provide a specific offer.
  • Affinity: Creating a sense of affinity with your tone is an excellent way to make your buyers feel like you’re on their side. It helps your leads feel as though you relate to their point of view and understand where they’re coming from. You can create a sense of affinity by mimicking the same tone of voice of your prospect. You can also sound more reasonably by raising your tone at the end of a sentence and asking questions like, “am I making sense?”
  • Confidence: Salespeople need to approach their prospects with a high level of confidence, and knowledge that you can genuinely help them to achieve their goals. If you’re able to convey a sense of confidence in your tone, you’re much more likely to convince your customers they should be buying from you. Add a sense of certainty to your tone by talking calmly and succinctly when you’re delivering your pitch.
  • Empathy: Adopting an empathetic tonality in sales is one of the most effective ways to connect with your audience on an emotional level and improve your chances of conversion. These days, customers won’t act on a hard sell. They want to buy from salespeople who take the time to understand their needs and develop a relationship. Talking slowly and more carefully can show you care and are taking your customers words to heart.
  • Surety: A tone of surety is another way to show your confidence and let your customers know you understand exactly what you’re talking about. Using clear statements like “I know it’s hard to make a change here”, can demonstrate a deeper understanding, and make your customers feel more confident about what you’re offering.

Using Tonality in Sales

The tonality you use in your sales strategy is crucial to your success. Sometimes, it’s your tone of voice that matters more to your customers than the words you say. The next time you’re calling a customer, consider recording the message and listening to your tone throughout the conversation, so you can determine whether you’re making the right impression with tone.

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